Although varicose veins are hard to ignore, you shouldnt allow them to ruin your everyday comfort level! The High Compression Pantyhose for Varicose Veins are highly recommended by medical professionals as a weapon against the feeling of swollen and heavy legs!
The gradual compressive design of the pantyhose creates a healthier and more active blood flow in your legs, thus reducing the pain and the discomfort level. The highest level of compression is applied in your ankles, and it gradually reduces as the pantyhose rises up your legs. This type of compression creates the sensation of a permanent massage. Eliminate discomfort from your daily routine by giving your legs this much needed support!
A pesar de que las varices son difciles de ignorar, no deberas dejar que arruinen tu nivel de comodidad! La Panty Media Antivarice de CYSM est bastante recomendada por profesionales mdicos como arma contra la sensacin de hinchazn y pesadez en las piernas! El diseo de compresin gradual de las medias crea un saludable flujo sanguneo en tus piernas, reduciendo as el dolor y la incomodidad. El mayor nivel de compresin es aplicado en tus tobillos, y gradualmente se reduce conforme la media sube por tus piernas. Este tipo de compresin crea una sensacin de masaje permanente. Elimina la incomodidad de tu rutina diaria dndole a tus piernas este soporte que tanto necesitan!
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