
7021Boxer Control y Realza Gluteos / Mens Control and Rear-Lifting Boxers

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If doing squats at the gym just doesnt do the trick for you, that doesnt mean you should just give up on the thought of having a round and firm rear, and toned-up thighs. The Mens Control and Rear-Lifting Boxers are the quick-fix youve been looking for!
The boxers have a medium-control compressive design that tones up your legs and hips, gives your rear a lift, while giving your pelvic area support. These boxers are great for a quick and painless post-surgery recovery, or for everyday use! This body-shaping garment comes with a guaranteed confidence boost as well! Enjoy the benefits of having any type of bottom-wear fit perfectly every time!

Si hace sentadillas en el gimnasio no te est funcionando, eso no significa que debas rendirte a la idea de tener piernas y glteos musculosos. El Boxer Control y Realza Glteos de CYSM es la solucin rpida que estabas buscando! Los boxers tiene un diseo de control de compresin media que tonifica tus piernas y cintura, dndole a tus glteos realce mientras le da soporte a la zona plvica. Los boxers son geniales para una recuperacin rpida e indolora tras una operacin, o pasa su uso diario! Esta prenda moldeadora viene con la garanta de un aumento en tu confianza. Disfruta los beneficios de que te quede cualquier tipo de pantaln en todo momento


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